9:02 AM

Reader Appreciation Week Reminder

Read an E-book week has been going on all week long. There have been many prizes given, great excerpts shared, and lots of author/reader participatoin. Samhain is holding a great contest in honor of Read an eBook Week with lots of great prizes still to be given (including some from yours truly). You can find out about the contest over on the Samhellion blog. www.thesamhellion.com. This will give a listing of what's going on for the day and other info. To join in on the fun you'll need to join by sending an email to samhaincafe-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

My time is tomorrow, Friday the 13th @ 7:00 p.m. Easter Time. So for you central standard buddies, aka: me too, be there at 6:00 p.m. LOL!

Hope to see all of you there. The more of you that are there, the more books I'll be giving away. WOWZERS! :-D


missysue said...

I enjoyed my visit to your blog and am excited to see that you're from the great state of Missouri as well! Keep up the great writing!